Fact file

Q. where do they live ?

Q.what do they eat?

They eat other reptiles (including smaller Komodo dragons), birds, bird eggs, small mammals, monkeys, wild boar, goats, deer, horses, and water buffalo.  They can also attack humans


Q What should you do if you come face to face with a Komodo dragon?

Don't do this...

Do this...

Q.how many are left?

3,000 to 5,000

Q.why are they endangered?
The Komodo Dragon is endangered because of valcanos,fires,no food, habitat distruction, poaching, and tourism.

Q.can they swim?

Komodo dragons can swim. It is how they have migrated from the original island of Komodo to some of the outlying islands.

Q.why is there name called komdodragon?
they come from the island of komodo

Q.are komodo dragons dragons?

No, its just a big lizard.

Q.how fast can komodo dragons run?
Komodo dragons can run up to 13 mph, or 20 km per hour.

Q.how long are komodo dragons and how much do they weigh?
length of 2 to 3 metres (6.6 to 9.8 ft) and weighing around 70 kilograms (150 lb).

Q.how long can komodo dragons live for?
50 years

Q.how can we help them get off the endangered list? 
stop killing them

Q.what type are they?

